Why blog again?

The world does not need another amateur sharing this thoughts about making a guitar.

Or so I told a friend.

I used to have so many blogs that it was once an interesting bragging right. When blogging meant something back then.

Deleted most of them, just to keep my account manageable.

Back 'in the day', blogging was closely associated with personal diaries made public online. If you chose to make it public.

One attraction of writing a blog was having one's own soapbox. And if you did the write-thing (ouch, bad pun) you had an audience.

And yet, as you hit the Publish button, subconsciously you maintain that illusion of your thoughts remaining private.

Which was probably why some people got into trouble.

The better bloggers were influencers, before the term was invented. Forgive this online fogey for saying this, but back then we actually influenced with ideas.

Today, the term seems so trite. An Influencer today has more to do with one's looks and lifestyle.

It was more meaningful then, when you actually influenced with ideas.

A blog reader was a voyeur, minus the sexual thing.

I suppose at some level, a blogger was an exhibitionist.

As a reader, you peeked into the innermost thoughts of people; strangers whom you stumble upon online and who become familiar companions.

Sometimes you might announce your presence by way of comments.

It was a big thing to be able to leave comments then.

Ah. It's nostalgic to be able to retreat to this little corner of the Internet to spill the spiel.


I'm blogging again because writing is an art and skill that needs practice: grammar, vocabulary, expression, clarity of ideas.

This is practice.
