
Zen (noun) is "a Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship or study of scriptures".

This blog isn't about Zen Buddhism. You won't find deep philosophical discussions here.

The Zen part refers to my musings on the art of crafting wood, as I build my electric guitars from scratch. Any activity that offers a focus for my monkey mind is a meditative endeavour.

There are no expert tips on making guitars here. Because I'm not one.

This is an online journal on my learning & building electric guitars from scratch, within the confines of an urban living space, from my hobbyist's perspective. I gravitate towards intuition rather than ritual application of what guitarmaking should be.

You may find me pseudo-philosophising about making functional art with wood. I can't help it, sorry.

Where possible, I reclaim wood to make my guitars. I find great appeal in transforming what would otherwise be discarded into an instrument.

I have a Tumblr and an Instagram account where I dump my creative output. Why don't I just publish the posts there?

Because I like this blogger template and the font. It makes these posts look like a book.

Hello and welcome :)
